Joseph P Natoli is a retired college professor and author of numerous books on culture and politics.
He is a member of the editorial collective of BAD SUBJECTS, the oldest political online magazine on the web.
He writes regularly for a number of political and pop culture online magazines, including SENSES OF CINEMA, BRIGHT LIGHTS FILM JOURNAL, POPMATTERS, AMERICANA, DANDELION SALAD, GODOT, TRUTHOUT
We belong to nature, we are one flesh and one blood with nature, we are one brain with nature. – Friedrich Engels, Dialectics of Nature, 1883. A year ago, the [...]
It’s the final countdown for America’s Presidential race. Trump’s failed summer debate debacle is a dimmed memory, as is the sugar high of Harris’ Age of Aquarius “joy” convention. Post [...]
This was the week that Israel, with the backing of the Biden administration, went to war against…the United Nations by attacking UN peacekeepers (UNIFIL) in Lebanon and seizing the UN [...]
I’m writing this letter sitting in a van set up for car camping in the Pacific Northwest. This little trip reminds me of my early days at CounterPunch when Alexander [...]
No one had expected that one year would be enough to recenter the Palestinian cause as the world’s most pressing issue, and that millions of people across the globe, would, [...]