Published on “It already feels as though we are living in an alternative science-fiction universe where no one agrees on what is true. Just think how much... Read more
New York City traffic. California water rules. Middle school sports. Few local policies are outside the reach of Donald J. Trump’s federal government. [...]
The president convened a task force to “prosecute anti-Christian violence and vandalism.” Critics said he’d turned religious freedom on its head by singling out one faith. [...]
In a letter released on Thursday, a coalition of 15 Democrats asked the department to explain what data associates of Elon Musk’s had scraped from the agency’s servers. [...]
The European Union’s so-called Trump task force spent 2024 preparing for a possible trade dispute. Specifics are secret, but guiding principles are becoming clear. [...]
We've reached that terminal point of imperial decay when the highest ambition of most members of Congress is to be a sycophant (though few of them could spell or define [...]
One of the small ironies of the Vietnam era was that people who saw themselves as fervent patriots often sported pins and bumper stickers repudiating the First Amendment. That’s the [...]
Ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the White House, US President Donald Trump said Palestinians have “no alternative” but to leave Gaza. When the two leaders met in the [...]
“Shock and Awe,” “Fear and Chaos,” “Carnage”—these are just some of the more typical ways mainstream media have described the mood after Donald Trump’s first few weeks in office. From [...]
Across the Arab world, ordinary citizens stand and watch the United States sliding into the abyss and wonder, what can the Americans be thinking there? Their institutions, packaged once as [...]